Okay, so I'm a huge fan of music. I wouldn't be able to live without it, and one specific type of song I would die without is the inspirational song. Whether it's a song that makes you want to do something better with your life, or just pumps you up for a football game, they mean a lot. And that's what music is supposed to do, right?! It's supposed to get you thinking. And here's my point, What's your inspirational song, and what does it do to you? Comment with answers! :)
Don't have on, feel free to discover some of mine!:
VISIT MY YOUTUBE AT: http://www.youtube.com/user/xXTAMTAM4EVRXx
Then go to the playlist: inspirational songs
OR just browse through my awesome music!! <3
Lose My Mind by the Wanted, and Gold Forever, also by THE WANTED!!! <3